MusicLink is a national non-profit foundation, with an affiliate in Oregon, that provides support to music teachers who offer scholarships to students in financial need.

If you are already teaching a student at half or less of your normal fee, you may register yourself and your student for MusicLink and begin to take advantage of the many benefits offered, including:

  • Reimbursement of education-related expenses (scores, strings, metronome, etc.)
  • Reimbursement of Syllabus, Festival, competition fees
  • Discounts or free music and materials from major publishers and local music stores
  • Free or discounted concert tickets
  • Free piano tunings (in some areas of Oregon)
  • Scholarship opportunities for summer camps and continuing education
  • Scholarship awards

Would you like to help a promising student who has financial needs? Ask to be placed on our list of potential teachers. You would never be obligated to accept a student, merely agree to be contacted to consider a candidate.

More information

All donations to MusicLink are tax deductible by law. Donations can be made directly to the MusicLink Foundation, but will only return to the state of Oregon if so designated. To make a donation online visit the MusicLink Foundation website, click on the “Donate Now” box (at the top of the page) and enter “Oregon MusicLink Donation” in the designation box. That will ensure that your donation will benefit students and teachers in our state.

To donate by check, simply download the “Make a Donation to MusicLink” form below and follow the instructions on the form. Either way, you will receive a tax receipt acknowledgement letter by mail.

Questions? Contact Annette Demsey, NCTM, Oregon MusicLink State Coordinator


Registration Information
Continuing Education Scholarship Application Form
Summer Camp Scholarship Application Form
Student Evaluation Report
Reimbursement Request Form
Make a Donation to MusicLink