Composition Festival Honored Composers

2024 was another fantastic year for young or new composers. Fifteen teachers and 22 students participated in this year’s festival. 

Below you’ll find over an hour of new music featured by these composers. A plethora of styles and groups of instrumentation are represented. Enjoy listening and recognizing these students’ achievement and consider sharing the art of composition in your own studio.

Honored Composers:

  • Ariel Kaufman, age 6, student of Craig Hanson, Flying Rain (piano duet)
  • Annabella Liddell, age 7, student of Dianne Davies, Problem No. 2 (piano solo)
  • Heidi Zumwalt, age 8, student of Phyllis Peterson, Dancing In The Forest (piano solo)
  • Amelia Zumwalt, age 10, student of Phyllis Peterson, A Rainy Day (piano solo)
  • Asher Enkey, age 10, student of Sarah Milburn, Feeling Good (piano solo)
  • Michael Henderson, age 10, student of Robin Ziari, Sunrise on the Horizon (piano solo)
  • Leif de Szoeke, age 11, student of Sande Reitmeier-Coolen, Laser Beam (piano/vocal solo)
  • Ryan Zawilski, age 12, student of Mary Betsy Parker, Autumal Etude (piano solo)
  • Miles Davis, age 12, student of Sarah Milburn, Evolution (piano solo)
  • Liam Walterscheid, age 12, student of Melody Morrison, Seasons (piano solo)
  • Adeline Friberg, age 13, student of Tanya Stojanovic, Horizon’s Call (piano solo)
  • Iliana Yeo, age 13, student of Dianne Davies, Life’s Vicissitudes (piano solo)
  • Emily Hickey, age 15, student of Sarah Milburn, Forest Life (piano solo)
  • Zoey Griffith, age 16, student of Sarah Milburn, Raining in Spring (piano solo)
  • James Lee, age 16, student of Jennifer Wright, Timeout (ensemble)
  • Adelynn Williams, age 16, student of Dianne Davies, If I Could Fly (piano solo)
  • Maxwell Evans-McGlothin, age 16, student of Dr. Ryan Francis, The Tale of the Fools of the Forgotten Forest (ensemble)
  • Corinna Lobscheid, age 16, student of Sande Reitmeier-Coolen, California (piano solo)
  • Amaia Arismendi, age 16, student of Lucy Watts, Desert Rain (piano solo)
  • Lex Kornelis, age 17, student of Nancy Stone & Ryan Francis, Pyroclastica (ensemble)
  • Adrian Valenzuela, age 17, student of Ruth Sadilek, Bittersweet Sunset  (ensemble)
  • Noah Larson, age 17, student of Jessica Treon, Clouds (piano solo)

Each honored composer is eligible to apply for the Regional Composition Celebration which then in turn recommends students to the National Composition Competition. The State Composition Book, consisting of all the honored composers’ sheet music will be available for our membership to purchase via hard copy for $15.00 plus postage. Contact Dianne Davies at 503-998-5220 or for your copy of this stellar new music.